
(248) 370-2100


Grizzlies Response: Awareness and 预防自杀 (GRASP) was started by several OU professors who saw a need for mental health awareness, particularly suicide prevention, on campus and in the community. 视图, policies and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA 或美国卫生和公众服务部.


Peers reaching out to peers is one of the best strategies for suicide prevention. If you see the warning signs in your friend, do not ignore them. Students in distress are more likely to approach their friends before they talk to a professional. 作为一名学生, you might be in a position where a friend may share their feelings with you more directly. 


的 OU咨询中心 provides excellent resources on how to identify and approach troubled students.

You may not be comfortable approaching a fellow student about whom you are concerned. 还有其他选择. If you have a concern about a student, faculty, or staff member, you can:

  • Consult a counselor at the OU咨询中心 at (248) 370-3465
  • Consult the Dean of Students at (248) 370-3352 (for concerns about a student)
  • 使用你的 Report and Support feature (对在校学生适用). 

If you feel that an individual is in immediate d愤怒 of harming himself or herself or someone else, please call OU police at (248) 370-3331.


Reach out to your friend. 表达你的关心. 要直接和诚实. Encourage getting help without sitting in judgment, acting shocked or suggesting that you have all the answers. And – above all – be available and listen. You may not understand what your friend is going through, but you can help him/her through it. 不要当顾问.

Learn the resources available so that you can provide your friend with options. Be persistent – because of the stigma associated with getting professional help for mental health concerns, your friend may not be willing to seek the help that he/she needs. Offer to call if he/she is reluctant, or offer to come to the first appointment. It is often the first step that is the hardest.


Helping a friend who is struggling with a mental health problem can be very stressful. Recognize your own personal limits and be aware of your own needs for staying healthy. Remember, you are not a mental health care provider; you are simply a supportive friend. It is not your responsibility to save someone; your only responsibility is to care and get the person to help. If you need help, don’t hesitate to get it!

看看 我们中的一半, a collaboration by mtvU 和 Jed Foundation to promote mental health awareness for college students. It offers a confidential online assessment 和更多的.

资源 for 教师/Staff

Help is available to faculty and staff at OU who might be facing mental health issues or k现在 someone who is. 教师 and staff resources include the OU咨询中心, the SEHS咨询中心, 和 Employee Assistance Program.


Counseling is not available for faculty or staff but the OU咨询中心 staff will help direct a faculty or staff member to the appropriate resources.

OU咨询中心 provides excellent resources on how to identify and approach troubled individuals.

 If you have a concern about a student, faculty, or staff member, you can:

  • Consult a counselor at the OU咨询中心 at (248) 370-3465
  • Consult the Dean of Students at (248) 370-3352 (for concerns about a student)
  • 使用你的 Report and Support feature (对在校学生适用). 

If you feel that an individual is in immediate d愤怒 of harming himself or herself or someone else, please call OU Police at (248) 370-3331.

SEHS咨询中心 (在波利大厅)

  • 所有员工, faculty and students are eligible for general counseling services provided by graduate students in training
    • Excludes crisis counseling, 药物滥用问题, court-ordered counseling and severe mental health issues
  • 服务是免费的  

联系 SEHS咨询中心 了解更多信息.

级 & Health Advocate Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

365英国上市官网 and 级 partnership provides an additional benefit to members, which is an Employee Assistance Program offered through a third-party company called Health Advocate. You can contact Health Advocate 24/7 for confidential assistance with the following items:

  • A Licensed Professional Counselor can help with stress, 抑郁症, 焦虑, 关系问题, 离婚, 工作压力, 工作的冲突, family or parenting problems, 愤怒, 悲伤, 损失, 和更多的.
  • Work/Life Specialists at Health Advocate can answer questions and help you find resources in your community to assist with the following topics: child care, 照顾老人, 法律问题, 身份盗窃, 金融服务, 债务管理, 信用报告问题, reducing medical/dental bills, 和更多的.
  • Call Health Advocate at 800-854-1446 (多语言) 或者上网 www.级.com/lifebalance.

接触人力资源 了解更多信息 on the program.

Helping Someone in Need and Warning Signs

Many students initially seek assistance from faculty or staff members when they are having problems meeting their academic responsibilities. Others don’t seek the assistance directly but may display warning signs that they are having difficulties managing their academic and personal life. 教师 and staff may also have colleagues that come to them when they are having problems. 的 same warning signs and guidelines for helping someone apply for faculty, staff, and students.

How to Flag Content as Suicidal

的 预防自杀 Lifeline has compiled a list of the top social media sites that allow a user to flag content as suicidal and alert the site moderators. 的 moderators will generally contact the user and provide the number to the 预防自杀 Lifeline, although each site has its own protocols.  For the full list and links to their reporting mechanisms, please view the 预防自杀 Lifeline web page, and see "Contact Safety Teams at Social Media Sites".


紧急情况- OU警察
Phone: 911 (from a campus phone) (248) 370-3333
Location: Meadowbrook Road, across from Science and Engineering buildings

Location: East Wing of the 葛培理健康中心, just north of Meadow Brook 的ater
Availability: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Location: 2nd Floor of Pawley Hall
Availability: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. -  9 p.m., 星期五早上9点.m. - 5 p.m., 星期六9点.m. - 3 p.m.*

*Center is closed when classes are not in session and for all holidays.


Phone: (248) 456-0909 (800) 231-1127 (toll-free)
Location: Multiple locations in Oakland County

Location: Multiple locations in Macomb County

电话:(800)398- gay
位置:290w. 九里路.密歇根州芬代尔市,48220
Availability: Monday-Saturday 3 - 9 p.m.

(国内 & Sexual Violence Support)
Location: Multiple locations in Oakland County

Phone: (248) 853-0750 (866) 903-8955 (toll-free)
Location: Multiple locations in Oakland County
Availability: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., 星期五早上9点.m. - 5 p.m., 星期六9点.m. - 1 p.m.*


Location: Multiple locations in Macomb County
Availability: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., 星期五早上9点.m. - 4 p.m., 星期六9点.m. - 2 p.m.*


State and National 资源 and Hotlines

查看 national resources and hotlines. This list includes resources for everyone, but also has resources for specific populations including students, 退伍军人, 同性恋群体, 母亲, 等.


Training on Mental Illness and Suicide

Material based on current best-practices and evidence-based practices from the 预防自杀 Resource Center American Foundation for 预防自杀 is used to provide training to address the needs of students, faculty and staff at OU related to mental illness and suicide prevention. 培训内容包括:

  • Background information on mental illness and suicide
  • Warning signs of mental illness and suicide
  • OU-specific information and resources
  • Skills to approach an individual in-need

Training is open to OU faculty, staff and students.  Sessions are approximately 1.5 hours and are free of charge.

A minimum of 10 participants is preferred for training sessions, but smaller groups may be accommodated.

申请培训 现在.

Mental First Aid Training

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognized, "in-person training that teaches you how to help people developing a mental illness or in a crisis". 的 material is based on current best-practices and evidence-based practices. Participants have been demonstrated to:

  • Grow their k现在ledge of signs, symptoms and risk factors of mental illnesses and addictions.
  • Identify multiple types of professional and self-help resources for individuals with a mental illness or addiction.
  • Increase their confidence in and likelihood to help an individual in distress.
  • Show increased mental wellness themselves.

Studies also show that the program reduces stigma. 

Sessions are 8 hours in length and offered both in person at OU and in a hybrid format. Hybrid formats require 2 hours of individual online work prior to a 6 hour virtual training session (8 hours total). In person training will be offered in both a single-day session or split into two 4-hour sessions.

Training is available for OU faculty, staff and students and is free of charge. Sessions are limited to 20 participants.